Scale models free flight / radio control
Jetco Cessna 170 span 36” for .020-.049 on 2 sheets 1950 parts and instructions shown
Jetco Dayton Wright RB-1 peanut scale 12 ¾” span 1920’s racer
Jetco Mooney mite f/f c/l or r/c .15 motor 3 sheet plan most parts and instructions shown
Jetco Piper Super Cruiser PA 12 span 40” for .020-.049 f/f or r/c 2 sheet plan parts and instructions
Jetco Rearwin Speedster 38” span for .049-.19 f/f c/l or r/c Bill Dean rework 3 sheets with parts + ins
Free Flight sport
Jetco Hawk a duration model rubber power full size plan lacks detail. Experienced builders only
Jetco R.O.G. 1940’s kit plan stick body built up wing.
Jetco Scorpion 30” span all sheet glider jetex scorpion power.
Jetco Thermic 50 glider, low on detail. Experienced builders only
Control line
Jetco (Lew Mc Farland) Dolphin for .35 kit plan 2 sheets
Jetco (Lew Mc Farland) Shark .15 profile version shown with or without flaps. Kit plan
Jetco (Lew Mc Farland) Shark .45 2 sheet plan 60” trike gear for .45-.60 kit plan
Jetco Sabre Stunt 50” for .19-.35 kit plan with ply parts sheet copy2 Sheet plan
Jetco Mustang F51-H 30 ¾ span 27 ½” long 39 oz for .19-.35 3 sheet plan with construction details and pics.
Radio Control
Jetco Navigator by Don Mc Govern 52” span all parts shown flying models plan not kit plan