Control Line
Aviomodelli Aero Macchi MB 308 scale for control line free flight or r/c 3 sheet plan shows wheels and floats no parts
Aviomodelli Ambrosin S7 (still needs redrawing)
Aviomodelli Assault 207 semi scale stunt model for 2.5-3.5cc span 1190mm with flaps
Aviomodelli Baga 32 bis (Walter Bagalini) stunt model for S.T. 35 abs body there is enough detail to build from balsa
Aviomodelli Carosel aerobatic model span 1.2 meters for 3.5-7cc no flaps. All parts shown
Aviomodelli Hawker Hurricane stunt 2 sheet plan 1140mm span for 2.5-3.5cc formers but only 1 rib shown
Aviomodelli ME109 all sheet model 630mm span for 1.5cc
Aviomodelli Piper Vagabond 1160mm span for c/l r/c or f/f/ 2 sheets
Aviomodelli Super Mercurio stunt model 820mm built up wing log body cross sections so you to make formers 2.5cc
Aviomodelli Super Scoiattolo upright engine 980mm span 1.5-2.5cc no flaps, all parts shown
Free Flight
Aviomodelli Junior 5 a 1.2 meter glider