Control line Sport and Aerobatic models



334G by Pete Russell plan and article 1956 gold trophy winner 42” for 2.5cc AM Aug 1956 PRICE F
54 stunter for 2.5-3.5cc 38” PRICE F
Accentor 52” span 571 sq in wing for .35-.46 by Dave Braun PRICE F
Aerial 30” span stunt model 1.3-1.8cc Elfin or similar AM mag July 49 PRICE E
Aircobra 1959 hobby helpers plan for .35 motor all parts shown PRICE G
Aircobra stunt by Walter Pyron for .35 all parts shown PRICE G
Aldrich Nobler original M.AN. plan not a kit plan shows wire frame canopy 50” for .35 PRICE F
Aldrich Peacemaker built up not top flite kit 46” 410 sq in .15-.35 original powered by Oliver tiger 1960 PRICE F
Aldrich Peacemaker profile stunt/combat 1958 PRICE E
All American PHD by D. Garmon 52” span for.35 PRICE F
Alphacon 26 ½” span for 2-3cc by Henry J Nichols PRICE F
Altagerra .35 stunter by A. Phin Sept 1961 very thick wing, nice model 56” span 35” long PRICE J
Ambassador 42” Brian Hewitt 2.5cc Dec 1951 with article PRICE F
Ares Bill Werwage .35 American Modeller May 1960 with article PRICE G
Ares Bill Werwage control line classics kit plan for above. PRICE H
Argus 1961 similar to Werwage Ares for .35 motors span 50” PRICE F
Atom classic stunt model flapped with inverted motor for .35 plan needs work PRICE F
Avion trainer with upright 1.5cc engine 1965 PRICE D
Baby Bird by Tom Dixon a scaled down Palmer T’Bird mk2 for .8-1cc PRICE E
Bazooka Italian stunt model similar to the Mercury Jr Monitor for 2.5cc PRICE D
Bede BD8 all sheet trainer/sport model by wings and wires for .8-1cc PRICE E
Bee 25 for ED Bee 25” span 1-1.5cc flat bottom section by P.W. Green Nov 54 MA198 with article PRICE E
Benny large stunter .80 on tuned pipe influenced by Gilbert Berringer Shukoi style outline 3 large sheets PRICE M
Bev stunter for Mills .75 18” span 16” long T. Norton Jan 56 MA228 PRICE E
Bi Slob Carstens plan 30” very wide chord biplane stunt for .35 very “boxy” PRICE F
Big Fry vintage stunt model enlarged. Ron Prentice small fry 2.5cc 42” span 1948 320 sq in PRICE F
Big Tiger 50” profile stunt model by Claus Maikis 2 sheets PRICE G
Billy bunter 34” for 1.5-2.5cc model flyer plan PRICE E
Black Hawk Stunter 1956 .35 P40 ish Walter Pyron PRICE F
Black Tiger Robert W. Elliot Air Trials mag Feb 1953 .35 motors 1952 nats winner 45 1/5” span 460 sq in PRICE F
Blue Angel big 58” jet style stunt model for the FOX.59 2 sheets PRICE H
Blue Max big 62” stunter modern with tuned pipe motor PRICE G
Blue Pants by Henri Stouffs thick section stunt winner world champs 1954 published Jan 1955 PRICE F
Blue Pearl by Henk De Jong big stunt for .60 motors 59” span big 2 sheet plan PRICE M
Bluebird 42” stunter for .25-.29 motor PRICE F
Bob Palmer Chief with all parts drawn PRICE J
Bob Palmer Go Devil with partial span flaps 52 ¾” drawn for Orwick .64 or Super Cyclone PRICE F
Bob Palmer Hi Boy high wing stunt model 46” FOR .19-.25 PRICE F
Bob Palmer Mars 49” .35 trike landing gear and twin fins side mount engine 490 sq in MAN plan 1952 PRICE F
Bob Palmer Pow Wow all parts shown 52” 550 sq in MAN 1954 PRICE F
Bob Palmer Skyscraper Veco .45 superb 2 large sheet plan 58” span 590 sq in 1963 with article PRICE M
Bob Palmer Smoothie 52” span for .29-.35 motor PRICE M
Bob Palmer Thunderbird mk1 both upright open engine and radial cowl version on this plan 54” .35 PRICE M
Bob Palmer Venus early design, large body radial cowl for .35 PRICE F
Bonnie Lass, fantastic looking plane for .049 stunt model detailed plan with instructions 1950’s PRICE D
Boogie woogie Claus Maikis stunt biplane PRICE F
Bouncer 24” all sheet trainer for 1-1.5cc motor 1961 PRICE E
Bouncing Bertie stunt TRIPLANE! from Air Trails mag for .29 motor PRICE F
Bourdon old French plan elliptical wing and tail for 5cc motors not the best plan I’ve seen but interesting PRICE F
Boxcar Chief 1942 high wing stunter high wing 42” PRICE F
Boxcar Dennis Allen 40” very early stunt model for 10cc spark motors PRICE F
Breezi bipe by Ray Malmstrom for .5cc MA mag May 57 PRICE C
Buckjumper 38 1/4” span for 3.5-5cc Dec 1950 PRICE F
Bumblebug 28” very streamlined model for 1.5cc Elfin 1.49 and Albion Javelin shown PRICE E
Calamity Jane P. Weaver Auzzie stunt ship with article Oct 1952 50” power Frog 500 510 sq in wing 28 oz PRICE F
Candy mk2 38” span for 4-5cc AM mag Sept 47 PRICE E
Cavalier mk 4 biplane 36" stunt for .30-.36 by Peter Miller PRICE F
Challenger 52” profile Flying models flapped stunt model all ribs on plan .35 PRICE F
Champeen Australian design Dec 1948 for 5cc low resolution plan PRICE F
Cheap thrills 1950’s elliptical wing model full stunt for .8cc PRICE D
Chekala Roma by Davis Slagle (Palmer student) first symmetrical section stunt model published? PRICE F
Cheshire kitten 21” span .5-1cc CL693 PRICE D
Chihuahua 29” span for 1-1.5cc motor by H.C. Queck 2 sheets PRICE F
Chipmunk Jim Van Loo early version MAN March 68 PRICE F
Chubby 13” span stunt biplane by Vic Smeed for .5-.8cc AM mag June 62 PRICE D
Cobra reduced for .049 motors with foam wing PRICE D
Cobra Steve Wooley stunt .35 motors Detroit wing construction span 52” PRICE F
Cocozza Attilio Di Figlia stunt model with upright motor and open cockpit. 106.1cm span for .20-.25 PRICE F
Conquistador by Bob Hoffman full stunt for .35 very elegant design with mag article 56” PRICE G
Coquette super little stunter for Mc Coy “9” diesel good wing section 32” all parts shown Mid 50’s PRICE D
Cougar 45” stunter 3.5-5cc AM Nov 57 with article PRICE F
Cougar C-JR56 Gordon Rae 52 ¼” span for ETA .29 coupled flaps open cockpit. PRICE G
Couquette 35 ¼” span super little stunter for 1cc motor PRICE E
Coy Cat Ray Brown 54” for 5-6cc stunter PRICE F
Coy Lady Ray Brown .35 flapped stunter PRICE F
Crackerjack by Coasby 32” span 2.5-5cc stunt model AM mag Oct 4 8 with article PRICE E
Crescendo .61 size stunter with radial cowl by Claus Maikis PRICE G
Curtiss Hawk P6E scale stunter 3.5-5cc 36” by Don Deeley published Feb 1954 PRICE F
D.H. 110 semi scale thick wing flapped stunter by T.W.J. Stoker for 3.5cc 38” span May 56 with article PRICE F
D.H. Mosquito by Jack Sheeks 58 ½” span for 2x .35 PRICE H
D.H. Mosquito profile stunt model by Ian Peacock 52” span for 2x 2.5cc PRICE G
Dancer little stunt/combat model for cox .010 MAN plan PRICE C
Dancing girl Peter Miller MAN plan similar to his Duchess design PRICE F
Darter 3 by Tom Jolley 80 sq in wing flapped stunter for .5cc published Nov 1952 PRICE D
Déjà vu by Peter Miller 52” span for .35-.40 2 sheets PRICE H
Delta V delta model for .40 motors PRICE F
Deltor & vee-tak 2 delta models for .049-.061 motors 15 ¾” span PRICE D
Demon stunter by Jack Sheeks Enya .35 powered 55” span Flying Models Aug 66 with article PRICE G
Dervish Cyril Shaw for Mills 1.3 very streamlined model with article PRICE E
Destroyer semi scale stunter by Bill Green 35 ½” 280 sq inch for 3.5-5cc AM MAY 1952 PRICE F
Douglas Skyraider detachable wing 50” for .35 Carstens plan by Don Typond .35 motors 520 sq in 48 oz PRICE F
Dragoon 37” span for 2.5-3.5cc by Ho Fang Chun PRICE F
Dreaming mk11 span 37 ¾” very boxy Italian design 2.5-3.5cc NOT FOR SALE
Duetto Claus Maikis 44 ½” biplane for .40-.60 motor PRICE F
Duplex Delta biplane with reversed wings very unusual for .8-1cc AM mag Nov 59 with article PRICE D
Dusty 26” span cropduster for 1.5cc motor PRICE E
Dutchess biplane 36” span .25-.35 by Peter Miller PRICE F
El Conquistador 1958 aerobatic model for Fox .35 48” span PRICE F
Elf Cat 32” flapped stunter for 1.5-2.5cc by J.H. Bailey AM Jan 59 PRICE E
Ellipitas MA Oct 61 profile stunter with elliptical wing for 1-1.5cc 36” span PRICE F
Envoy .8cc stunter by E. Hunt USA 31” fully flapped, good proportions 1965 AA6566P118 PRICE D
Escapade by Claus Maikis 55 ½” span .35-.46 PRICE G
Excalibur profile stunt model by Dick Mathis flying models mag plan PRICE F
FAI Stunt Jim Young very clean lines for .35 PRICE F
Fancy Pants Brodak kit plan PRICE F
Felina Titta by Bruno Massara Italian twin engine stunter 159cm span for 2x 5-6cc 2 sheets NOT FOR SALE
Feno by Ted Goyet upright or inverted engine shown for .19-.35 PRICE F
Firebrand mk2 R. Cooke 42” span 326 sq in wing won many northern stunt events. Round section body PRICE F
Firefly Frank Warburton for .35 motors c/l stunt PRICE J
Flika 40” streamlined model by Coasby for 3.5-5cc motor Yulon .30 shown PRICE F
Focke Wulf TA-152 by Ken Trostle 56” span 615 sq in wing, for ST .46 1968 with article won lots of pots ! PRICE G
Four star by Tom Jolley 44 ½” span for .25 upright engine simple design PRICE F
Four Star by Tom Jolley upright engine for .25 motor PRICE F
Fox stunter Coasby for Fox .35 42” span upright engine 350 sq in. capable of very tight turns PRICE F
Foxfire 48” span for .35 motor trike landing gear PRICE F
Foxy Italian plan for a small 29 ¾” span stunter 2-3cc unusual twin boom design. Parts are on the plan PRICE E
Freebird 3 Tony Eiflander for P.A.W..35 span 59” PRICE G
Freebird nats winner side mount .40 PAW 1997 PRICE G
Freebird 5 by Phoenix models Tony’s model in kit form PRICE G
Funster S Calhoun Smith 1949 36” span 25 ¾” long 247 sq in 22 oz for .29-.35 PRICE F
FW TA152 Ken Trostle 56” span 615 sq in wing for .46 won lots of pots PRICE G
FW 190D-9 full stunt model built round ST.46 all formers shown with root and tip templates 56” Mc Clellan PRICE F
Galloping Comedian may 1952 by Harold Remhart Air Trails mag PRICE F
Gambler .29-.35 flapped stunter drawn by Paul Del Gatto PRICE F
Gee Bee stunter 57 ½” span not the sharpest plan in the world PRICE F
George Aldrich special 50” span profile stunter for .29-.46 motor 2 sheet plan PRICE H
Gorgi 39” span for .29 motor PRICE F
Gremlin by Lary Scarinzi for Fox .35 span 33 ¾” stunt/combat with profile body PRICE F
Grey Ghost Larry Scarinzi 1959 for .35 motors span 53” no flaps PRICE F
Harlequin 1954 gold trophy winner by Pete Smith 36” no flaps published Aug 1954 PRICEF
Hatchet small stunter for .8-1cc PRICE D
Hawker Hart ¾” to 12” scale stunter 2.5-5cc Walter Musciano 28” has been drawn on. Published Jan 1952 PRICE F
Heinkel 100 Stunter 55” for .35 motors Clemente Cappi 1969 with article PRICE G
Helka Vulcan 57 ½” span for .46 motor jet styling 2 sheet plan PRICE H
Hopp 25 by Dr Engervary 1300mm span for .35 PRICE F
Hot Foot old USA design biplane stunt model built round the Fox .59 span 39” PRICE F
Hot Rock 1947 span 38” by Robert Tucker USA nats winner for .29 motor PRICE F
Hot tube weird tube body ducted fan model for 2x .049 back to back PRICE E
Hotshot 36” span by Ken Marsh for 3.5cc motor PRICE F
Humongous 54" span 650 sq in wing for .35-40 motors open cockpit stunt model really nice sharp plan PRICE G
Hurricane 1475mm span for 10cc motor 2 large sheets NOT FOR SALE
Icarus Coasby BIG stunter 67” span 780 sq in wing 10cc motors PRICE J
Icarus Jnr Coasby 42” span325 sq in wing for 5cc PRICE F
Imitation by Ted Fancher profile stunt model for .46 motor PRICE F
Indigo by Claus Makis a development of his earlier Loriat this is a full stunt 59” span model for .46 up PRICE J
International stunt winner 1951 fox .35 42” span unusual swept forward spar PRICE F
Inverting Stunt Ship. Jim Saftig super cyclone power PRICE F
Italian all sheet trainer 600mm span 2.5cc PRICE D
Jak-50 Russian plan with article from mag in Russian of course! Foam wing 2.5cc PRICE E
Jamison (Bud) nats favourite 1947 Hobby Fasteners kit plan 50” span 507 sq. in. PRICE F
Jay-pee profile 2.5cc PRICE E
Jezebel 32 ¼” span for 2.5-3.5cc profile body on 2 sheets PRICE F
Juggler by C. Bates upright Frog 500 powered 38” no flaps published Sept 1950 balloon tank shown PRICE F
Jumbo Carl Risteen really large flaps and elevators, .49-.60 motor 60 ½” span 35” long PRICE G
Junar Bill Werwage big stunter for rear exhaust piped motors PRICE G
KA10 by Kalasnikov 57 ½” span for .61 motor PRICE G
Kan doo classic old British stunt model 29” span for ED Comp PRICE E
Kawasaki KI-61 Tony 30” span for 1.5cc motor PRICE F
Kentish wind 52” span stunter twin fin for 2.5-3.5cc MA July 60 with article PRICE F
Kermando stunt/combat model for 3.5cc thick wing 36” span by K. Jacques June 55 MA with article PRICE F
Kismet Ken Taylor nice elliptical wing model flapped for .35 with article PRICE G
Kitty Hawk Bill Draper dates to around 1970 .35 flapped competition model PRICE F
Kitty wasp small semi scale Kittyhawk for DC Wasp .049 PRICE E
Laser 200 A semi scale aerobatic model for .46 motor low quality model builder plan PRICE F
Lil Abner mk5 3.5cc A.E. Birch 310 sq in wing 36” flapped wing stunter published July 1952 PRICE F
Lil Dynamite stunter 36” for .15 mid 1950’s  PRICE E
Line Dancer 27” aerobatic profile model for .049- .061 PRICE E
Little Stinker Pitts special by P. Donavour Hickie 23 ½” span 1.5-3.5cc with article MA April 51 plan MA98 PRICE F
Lucky Lady K.A. Day flapped stunter for 2.5cc motors 33” span 22” long July 55 MA215 PRICE D
M.A.N. 12 pre 1957 42” span for .29 motors open cockpit thick wing no flaps PRICE F
M.A.N. 13 Dec 1957 53” span for .35 motors open cockpit thick wing no flaps PRICE F
Mac the bipe 1963 aerobatic biplane 40” span for .35 several sheets with article PRICE H
Madman Jr with parts patterns 41” span for .19-.49 PRICE F
Madman nice thick wing stunter for Orwick .64 spark motor PRICE F
Magician 48” span profile stunter for .35 motor PRICE F
Manx cat 4 28” span biplane combat/stunt model PRICE E
Masenzio Italian model circa 1940 6cc spark motor shown 41” span PRICE F
ME109 span 52” for .29-.35 all parts shown PRICE F
ME109 stunter for .29-.35 motors all parts shown MAN Nov 56 PRICE F
Metaphor 1 by Bill Bradford profile flapped stunt 48” PRICE F
Midget Mustang Tom Jolley PRICE F
Midi Slow stunt/combat model profile body 2.5cc PRICE E
Mills Mite for Mills .75 by Max Cummins for Model Aircraft, 1 Bond St, City PRICE E
Mini Brute .15 MAN Sept 1979 PRICE E
Mini Bunt 23 ¾” span 1-1.5cc by S. Spencer PRICE F
Mirabilis 35 ½” span for .10-.15 motor 2 sheets PRICE G
Miss Ashley 2 large sheets Modern stunter for tuned pipe motors .40-.65 PRICE J
Miss BJ 47 ¾” span profile semi scale mustang racer for .29-.35 motor PRICE F
Miss Los Angeles semi scale stunter for 6-8cc motor 54 ½” span PRICE G
Model 78 twin fin stunter a little like the Olympus poor plan at the moment needs work PRICE F
Moitle early 1940’s biplane 38 1/8” span .29-.35 motor nice plan with all parts PRICE F
Monitor Senior by John Perry. Enlargement of the Mercury Monitor that may or may not have existed! PRICE K
Mustang Al Rabe needs restoring PRICE F
Mustang by Clair Silverling 57” span for .35 PRICE F
Mustunt Bjornwall .29-.35 span 51 ½” semi scale P51B mustang 3 sheets PRICE K
Nakke very nice stunter for .35 motor PRICE F
Nancy very unusual “T” tail design for K&B Infant trike gear very thick wing PRICE E
Navy Fighter 40” span 2.5-3.5cc by Frank Warburton restoration not yet complete PRICE J
Nimrod mk5 Jim Mannell 56” span 35-.49 motor detachable wing. Very successful model PRICE F
Nobler Bob Gieske 55 /38” span for .35-.46 with pipe 1997 signed copy PRICE G
Nobler Louis Grondal 52” span for 6cc motor PRICE G
Nobler MAN plan 1952 wire frame canopy 52” for .29-.35 with parts PRICE F
Notwun 28” span vintage style model for 1.5cc motor PRICE E
Oriental Dee Rice great 55” stunter .35 motors PRICE F
Over e-z an Ameco kit design profile biplane for 4-6cc 36” span PRICE F
Ozone 50 ½” span profile stunter for .35-.40 PRICE F
P40 stunt 51” span for .35 1963 with article PRICE G
Peacemaker Aldrich profile stunt/combat 2.5cc PRICE E
Peacemaker built up 47” for 2.5cc not the Top Flite kit version PRICE F
Phoenician very nice bubble canopy thick wing stunter for .35 good plan all parts shown 57” span PRICE F
Phoenix by Tom Dixon similar to Palmer Thunderbird 56” span 610 sq in 40 oz .35-.40 motors PRICE J
Picador a semi scale ME109 stunt model 52 ½” span for .35 motor PRICE F
Pinguino 2.5-3.5cc semi scale simple model all sheet construction PRICE E
Princess Gorden Cornell all elliptical elegant model 2.5-3.5cc span 34” April 59 AM PRICE F
Privateer 54” flapped stunter for 40-51 motors, Flying models 2 wing thicknesses shown PRICE F
Provost or Tuccano profile stunt for 1.5cc share a common wing and tail PRICE E
Quicker Draggin a flying wing with full body and landing gear 22” span for .8cc low resolution plan PRICE D
Ramrod J. L. Hooper won more comps than you have had hot dinners! Span 48” for 3.5-6cc PRICE F
Rascal by Ron Moulton classic British stunt trainer very detailed plan 26” span for 1-1.5cc motors PRICE D
Reaction 30 1/2" span for 1.5cc flapped stunter PRICE D
Ringtail twin boom twin fin for 2.5cc Model News plan Dec 59 PRICE E
Rookie profile stunt trainer with flaps .35 motor PRICE F
Ruffy Lew Mc Farland full stunt for .35 motors 50” span, MAN 1958 all parts shown full size PRICE F
Ryan PT.20 a .40 size true stunt model semi sale appearance with article PRICE F
Ryan STA 1962 for Fox .35 55” span 2 sheet plan PRICE H
Sassy Saucer for Fox .29 all parts shown 25” diameter PRICE E
Scatterbrain simple profile all sheet sport model with sheeted wing PRICE D
Scimitar (the KK Spectre was developed from the Scimitar) 45" span 2.5-3.5cc PRICE F
Senior Monitor scale up of the Mercury Monitor 55” for .40  PRICE G
Shark G5 Victor Stanzel mono line model PRICE F
Sh-boom by D. Toole 36” span 26” long mid wing 2.5-3.5cc July 56 MA242 with article PRICE F
Shoestring by Bill Simons 1965 span 56” for .35 motors PRICE F
Shoestring for .29-.35 no flaps, sheeted wing all parts shown PRICE F
Shrike swept forward flying wing stunt/combat by W. Courtier 33 ½” for 2.5-3.5cc published Sept 1956 PRICE E
Sidewinder profile trainer for .049- .08 all sheet 19” mid 50’s PRICE D
Simple Simon 28” for 1-1.5cc AM Dec 60 PRICE E
Skiffler 47” span 3.5-5cc April 60 AM with article PRICE F
Skilat 56” stunter for Fox .35 by Luciano Compostella Italian champ PRICE G
Skua 47 ½” .29-.35 by Dave Christopher Nov 60 AM with article PRICE F
Skyfox 45 ½” span flapped stunter for .25 1985 by ME! PRICE F
Skylark Ed Southwick MAN plan PRICE F
Skylark Ed Southwick signed engineering plan PRICE J
Skylark elliptical wing stunter from the USA 2 large sheets 1962 PRICE K
Skyraider stunt by Don Typond 50” for .35 detachable wing PRICE F
Skytoane modern stunt machine 2 piece model 56” master stunt model 2 large sheets PRICE H
Small fry 1948 Ron Prentice gold trophy 3rd place 1949 for mills 1.3 span 28” PRICE E
Smith Special 2 versions shown for either all sheet model or built up wing stunt version for K&B infant PRICE E
Smoother Tom Dixon rework of Smoothie and Nobler .29-.35 motor PRICE F
Snap Stunt 3rd line for throttle. 2 wing thicknesses shown PRICE F
Snorter by Bill Dean 1947 span 24” for Mills 1.3 MA47 PRICE E
Softee 51” span for a .40 four stroke mounted upright PRICE F
Soneleigh classic 45 & 60 for .8-2.5cc 2 sheets PRICE F
Sopwith 1 ½ strutter scale stunt 48” span for 5-10cc March 57 AM PRICE F
Spacebound a scaled down Spacehound 33 ½” span for 1.5cc motors AM Aug 66 PRICE E
Spectrum Genesis style 60” span foam wing foam tail for .60 motor PRICE G
Speedster 1.5cc span 810mm John Stroud PRICE D
Speedwing sports model by Robert Burns simple sheet construction delta wing for ED 2cc Sept 1950 PRICE E
Spitfire 56” span for .35 USA 1960 Hobby Helpers plan PRICE F
Spitfire Geoff Pentland 53 ½” span 540 sq in for .29-.35 motors Dec 60 AM with article PRICE F
Spitfire Mk XII 36” span stunt for 2.5-3.5cc Aug 92 AM PRICE E
Stallion profile semi scale stunt for 3.5-6cc 39” span Aug 63 AM with article PRICE F
Stampe Monitor Warburton 56” for .35 motors 2 sheets. AM mag June 62 with article PRICE J
Stiletto 52” span Les Mc Donald for .35 2 sheets PRICE G
Stiletto 660 Les Mc Donald for ST .46 world champ  PRICE F
Sting Ray by R. Gialdini 54” .35 trike gear 1965 AA6566P97 with article and pics American modeler 64 PRICE J
Stinger stunt/combat with anything from .15-.35 profile body built up wing PRICE F
Strathmore a Detroit wing stunt model looks great for .35’s 55” by Roland Mc Donald PRICE F
Stuka by Ken Taylor 54 ½” for .35 or 56” for .40-.45 PRICE G
Stuka Hi Johnson very involved build stunt model for .35 PRICE J
Stuka Stunt by Don Still 1st plan 1950 PRICE F
Stuka Stunt by Don Still Aero modeller plan & article became an Ambroid kit (see Ambroid for that plan) PRICE J
Stuka Stunt by Jack Sheiks detroiter style wing construction PRICE F
Stunt King later a Keil Kraft kit 37 ½” for Youlon .30 gold trophy winner 1949 PRICE F
Stuntster 36” span with parts full size .19 motors MAN Feb 54 PRICE E
Stunter unidentified comp aerobatic model on 2 sheets Detachable wing 60” span .45-.60 PRICE H
Stupid cupid by Peter Miller 36” span for .15 motor 2 sheets PRICE H
Sukoi by Gillbert Berringer .60 motors full stunt model 3 sheets PRICE M
Sun Devil plus parts sheet Clair Sieverling 1957 span 54” for .29-.35 motors PRICE F
Super Bipe by Harold De Bolt 27 ½” not a kit plan. Power up to 8cc sparkie PRICE E
Super hawk Bill Draper update of Kitty Hawk, won several comps .40 power PRICE F
Super Master Josef Gabris 1966 world champ 55” span for .35 PRICE F
SV11 61” span for .40-.60 on tuned pipe PRICE G
Tango by Luciano Compostella Italian plan 6-7.5cc 57” used ST .46 PRICE F
Taurus Coasby huge model 68” span for 10cc PRICE J
Temco TT1 stunter 51 ¾” for .35 motor very unusual model PRICE F
Tethered trainer with article and parts 36” span for .19-.23 spark motor PRICE F
The Lark Feb 1960 full stunt model for .35 M.A.N. plan nice! Part of mag article with it. PRICE F
The Rookie, unusual body, half built up, half profile sheet covered wing and tail 50”span for.35 PRICE F
Thunderbolt W. Morley 48” flapped thick wing stunter 1943 air trails mag PRICE F
Tiger rag stunt bipe 36” for Fox .36 nice! PRICE F
Tom Dixon Phoenix (Thunderbird enlarged slightly) PRICE F
Tom Dixon Thunderbird 60 enlarged Palmer t'bird mk2 (poor enlarged copy plan) PRICE J
Tony Junior by Frank Warburton kitted by Enterprise see Enterprise plans
Tough Nut 1.5cc profile trainer PRICE E
Triumphant 1935 42 ½” span for .19-.35 PRICE F
Tyro Gyro control line auto gyro 19 ½” dia blades for ED Bee Ma139 PRICE D
U2 Frank Warburton needs work on the plan PRICE F
Ultra douper zilch with flaps PRICE F
Vampire mk 5 with ducted wing N.Z champ stunter 3.5-5cc twin boom Dick Oliver 34” span Aug 1953 PRICE F
VB Combat profile body for Webra Mach 2 French plan needs cleaning PRICE D
Vedette 30” span V tail for 1.5cc July 68 AM PRICE E
Vega 35 stunt. Copy of hobby helpers plan issued in parts 52” for .35 motors 1962 PRICE J
Venus 50” span for .29-.35 nice Australian design by Doug Gringham PRICE G
Venusian scout flying saucer for .049 12” er span? PRICE D
Vickers Wesley stunt 60” span for .35 1957 with article PRICE H
Victory by Don Still 1949 nats winner 60” span for Orwick 64 PRICE G
Viking 51” span for .35-.50 1950’s PRICE F
Voetsak 44 ¾” span for .60 spark ignition motor 1946 PRICE F
Voyager 60” span foam wing stunter for .40-.46 motor by Piotr Zawada of Poland PRICE F
Wackett Boomerang 2.5-3.5cc 38” span by C. A Taylor SCALE STUNT June 51 AM with article PRICE F
Wallaby MA 1952 July 40” span for 5cc by Brian Horrocks with article PRICE F
Wet Wun yes control line float plane, you WILL get wet! Biplane with upright 1.5cc motor PRICE E
Wicked Witch semi scale stunt F86 for .35 Donald L Hoag November 1955 POOR PLAN with article PRICE J
Wild boy aerobatic for .09 motor PRICE D
Wildcat profile stunt with foam wing, flies well PRICE D
Wildfire II Don Mc Laren 1953 PRICE F
Wildman 60 1950 for Orwick .64 petrol 59” span PRICE F
Wizard by R.H. Wearing Mills 1.3 powered trainer 21 ¾” span MA 1947 PRICE D
Wolverine profile stunt semi scale FW190 2.5-6cc span 40” Aug 64 AM with article PRICE F
Wombat Australian biplane stunter very popular design fully aerobatic with 5cc motor PRICE F
Yoiks by J.W. Coasby 33” stunt biplane for 10cc with forward staggered wings and unusual wing section. PRICE F
Yves Fernandez Spectre outline of the K.K Spectre but the wing, tail and of the Stilomag. PRICE F
Yves Fernandez Stilomag .40 pattern aerobatic model real builder’s model! PRICE F