Team race, Rat race and Speed models




Hill Special. This weird model that defies categorization! It is a flat fish shape wing with a thick symmetrical section blended into the
spinner at front and elliptical tail, engine lies flat on it’s side inside the wing with full details of the extension unit, even the leadouts
and pushrods are like a meccano set! 20” span with takeoff dolly even shows details of hand carved gum wood prop. I just gotta
get me one of these! Plans date from the early 1950’s I need photos if anyone has the guts to build one and fly it!!

Hill Special


Arkansas traveler with article
Blue Bonnet class A speed model by Phil Russell monoline design
Bounder USA plan 14” span for dooling .29 record holder class “B” with dolly details
Briar flyer 10 ½” speed pipe! 1.5cc novelty model
C speed 22” span for .60 by Jim Nightingale USA
Chip 1/2A proto speed 16 ½” span
Cyclone 18 not very detailed 1962 world speed champ 135.46 mph
Dizzy Boy 20” span 1956 by Bob Lauderdale monoline. Plan shows details of take off dolly
EMO 033 FAI Speed model by E. Mosyakov Moscow 1966 22” ST G20/15. AA6566P17
G.B.8 10cc metal skin wing G. Battisella record holder published 1953
Gook 13 3/8” span 28 sq in 2.5cc metal skin wing Pete Wright published Feb 1953
Jughaid 1940 national gas control line speed champ USA
Kingfisher asymmetrical speed model by Emil Rumpel 2.5cc dolly shown on plan with article Sept 75
Needle nose by Cyril Shaw 20” span installs for Mc Coy .49 and Fox .59 shown. Good detail
Nipper 14 ½” span 12 ½” long for 2.5cc July 56 MA241 with article
Spamp special 1949 with article PRICE F
Speed Wagon 50 for .50 size motors. Not very detailed plan by De Bolt
Speed Wagon original with article De Bolt AMA record holder from Mechanics Illustrated 5 sheets plus plan
Quickie trainer to learn speed flying mono line or 2 line .29 motors USA 1950’s




55 Rambler USA team racer for .29 motors built up body, solid wing
Alien solid wing 24” span 19” long W.P. Woodhouse 2.5cc Aug 56 MA244 with article
A-Rat rat racer 26” span for 2.5cc
Baby Blue Goodyear class team racer by Deco models
Black Chiffon class A plan is poor but buildable from
Bluebottle class ‘B’ by Cyril West31” Frog 500 power published Sept 1953
Blunder Buster USA design champion team racer by F.A.S.T. club 1955 28” span K&B .29 2 sheet plan PRICE F
Countdown ½ A class 25 ¼” span for 1.5cc
Deerfly and shoestring mini goodyear racers for .75-1..5cc motor
EFFIE AYE team racer by P. Burke span 33” length 19” MA360 MA mag Jan 62
Espadon 1962 FAI French champion
FAI team racer by D. Dolenger MA361 37” span 17” length 2.5ccJan 1961 MA mag Jan 62
FAI team racer by Ken Long Jan 1963 for ETA 2.5CC all elliptical solid wing with article if looks = speed WOW!
FAI F2C team race wing by Ohlson 1996 in colour
Folkerts Racer for .09-.19 motors 2 outlines shown for scale and semi scale team race 1951
Footprint by Pete Smith winner world champs 1954 published June 1955. 23 ½” FAI class ‘A’ 2.5cc
Gee Mac B M Evans 28” span Frog 500 shown MA 84
Grmzpf 36” span rat racer 5-6cc Aug 67 AM with article
Hawker Tempest ½ A racer by C.M. Milford published April 1955
Honey Bug .15 power USA all parts shown, mid 1950’s all built up
Hoofmark Mike Ware 1957 O.S. .29 shown Model News plan built up wing
Hyperion AM April 54 3 sheets 20 ½” span 1.5cc
Hyperion class ‘A’ by Les Hayward 20 ½” span 17” long weight 10 oz 1.5cc published April 1952
Jabberwocky 22 ¾” span 82 sq in wing for 2.5cc twin finned racer by T. Hume
Jambon by Norman Butcher 22 ½” span open cockpit Albion Javelin motor shown
Ken Long FAI team racer 2.5cc class all elliptical sheet wing model aircraft mag plan no name
Kestral MA238 May 56 span 30” ETA .29 by P.N. Godfrey
Leveret mk3 Gorden Cornell 1962 sheet wing ½ A class
Lil pronto ½ A speed by Dale Kirin USA.1966 2 wheel gear 20” .8cc solid wing AA6566P18
Lil Quickie in colour goodyear racer profile body sheet wing by Ohlson
Lince mini goodyear from Italy modern lines NOT FOR SALE
Marilyn VIII FAI 2.5cc by R.Aarnipalo & M. Jarve Finland 1965 2 noses shown 26” solid wing mono leg AA6566P110
Metal team racer made of folded alloy for class B .29 motors Don’t fancy being the pit man! Low resolution plan
Miss FAI  Rosenlund team racer plan + article 35 ½” Jan1961
Miss San Bearnadino goodyear racer
Modellismo Swee Pea a V tail team racer 5-10cc kit plan
Nervensage internats winner 2.5cc racer Wilfred Kruger solid wing 23 ½” span 18” long Jan55 MA200 with article
Nightmare 1940’s racer built round the Bunch Tiger motor. All built up very detailed plan from Air Trails mag
Nucleus unusual delta wing team racer, class A or B 2.5cc or 5cc 22” span MA mag Feb 57 with article
Ole Slippery team racer 1950’s for .29 motors USA parts shown
Orion 1964 superb streamline model
Pacemaker class ‘A’ gullwing 25” span 2.5cc published April 1953
Picus Horridus FAI 2.5cc Fontana & Amodio Italy 3rd word champs 1964 solid wing mono gear 39 ½” A6566P109
Pink Fink rat racer mk3 span 27 3/16” for .40 motor by Art Adamisin
Pluto contest winning design class A 2.5cc 32” span 14” long May 55 MA with article
Presto class ‘B’ racer 24” span 2.5-5cc by H.E. Hall published Aug 1952
Quickie monoline speed trainer for .29 motors Model Airplane News plan
Rambler 55 fox .29 power USA design 27” span 1955
Ratatat rat racer 28” for .29-.40
Razamachas 30 ½”FAI racer 1961
Remarkable Wrangler dooling .29 power span 26” all parts shown 1953
Shimid mini goodyear 24” span profile model
Skeeter ½ A team racer 18 ¼” for .049 very nice fully sheeted structure all parts shown 1952 with article
Skyhawk class A team racer with delta wing 18” span 2.5cc Dec 57 AM
Sorcerer by Pete Cameron ‘B’ class ETA .29 power
Sorcerer’s apprentice by N. Butcher 20” span 75 sq in 2.5cc published June 1953
Star bomb Australia model hobbies mag spring 1952 class B
Star Tiger, has the wow factor 38” span by N. Bernard 2.5cc
Super Saint ETA .29 motor 29” span 125sq in 5cc 18-20 oz published Feb 1952
Swee pea and Stinger 2 mini goodyear racers on 1 plan
Tamara class B solid wing elliptical plan form mono leg 1965 by R. Aarnnipalo & J. Palho Finland AA6566P56
Tigress 36 ½” span 2.5cc nice elliptical wing AM mag Sept 59
Time Traveler by Ray Edmonds FAI team racer Dec 1956 Oliver Tiger mk3 shown.27” with article
Timepiece 820mm span by Prior & Georgiadis 1978 world champs Nelson 15d used
Timeta 35” span by the top team Heaton & Ross
Turtle mk4 FAI racer
Turtle mk7 FAI racer
Weatherman with parts sheet old Bill Dean design for Mills 1.3
Weaver ½ A class 21” span 1.5cc by Dave Platt MA mag May 57 with article
Weaver by Dave Platt for 1.5cc MA May 57
Witblits up to date ½ A machine