Free Flight Power Scale



Airspeed Courier for DC Dart or Bantam PRICE D
Albatross DV 20” span 16” long for .5cc by P.M.H. Lewis Nov 55 MA with article PRICE D
Armstrong Whitworth F.K.8  43" span .8cc PRICE F
Armstrong Whitworth Siskin 111A span 36” 1-1.8cc MA April 60 with article PRICE F
Army Grasshopper Taylor 0-57 for .19-.29 motors 48 ½” span PRICE F
Auster B4 by A.A. Stowell 1/8th scale 1.5-2.5cc f/f or r/c published Nov 1953 PRICE F
Austin Whippet 32” span .5-1cc motor nice biplane similar to SE5A PRICE E
Avia BH-3 37 1/2" PRICE F
Avro Anson 36" for 2 x .020 very involved structure, by H. J. Towner NICE. PRICE F
Avro Avian with pendulum rudder 35 ½” span for .75-1cc motors published April 1952 PRICE F
B.A. Swallow 50" for .5cc by J.W. Coasby PRICE F
B A C Super Drone (power glider) 54” span 29” long for mills 1.3cc E.A. Fonteneau Aug 54 MA193 PRICE F
Bambinetta designed for the D.C. Bambi on 2 A4 sheets Dec 55 AM  PRICE C
BE12b by the maestro Eric Coates. for Mills 1.3. with article March 73 AM 45” span PRICE H
Bellanca Cruisemaster .5cc 40” span 27” long April 55 MA208 with article PRICE F
Bellanca Skyrocket MA396  1964  55" span 32” long 1.5cc motors PRICE F
Blackburn Shark 28” span 21” long H.G. Moore .75-1cc July 54 MA185 with article PRICE E
Bleriot 16” span Co2 indoor model PRICE C
Carley C12 for KP01 elec power 24 ½” span PRICE D
Cessna Bird Dog for .5cc PRICE E
Comper Swift for rubber or .010 glow PRICE D
Comper Swift 36” FOR 1.3-1.8cc by D.P Golding published Feb 1952 PRICE F
Curtiss Jenny for .5cc by P.M.H. Lewis 29” span 18” long Oct 54 MA with article PRICE E
Curtiss wright junior for .75cc 43” span PRICE F
Dart Kitten 1/12th scale .5-.87cc ff by John Lamble published Jan 1953 PRICE E
D.H. 60 Moth 35 ½” for mills .75 PRICE F
D.H. 82 Tiger Moth by Aero Modeller staff 1/8th scale for 1.5cc published Oct 1954 PRICE F
D.H. 82 Tiger Moth 35 ½” for Mills .75 PRICE F
E.P. 9 span 43 ¾” a 1/12th scale model for .5-.9cc March 59 AM PRICE F
English Electric Co Wren 62” S.M.A.E trophy winner 1951 published March 1952 1.5cc 396 sq inch by Pete Wyatt PRICE F
F.E. 8 for Mills .75 weight 14 ½ oz 350 sq in 34” span by Vic King published Dec 1952 PRICE F
Fairey Flycatcher 29” span .5-.75cc published July 1955 PRICE E
Fairey Swordfish by H.J.N. Batchelor ¾”-1’ scale 37 ½” span for .75-1cc published Dec 1954 PRICE F
Flanders F3 monoplane for co2 by W.D. Binns span 18” PRICE D
Fleet Finch for .75-1cc 38” span 28” long by E. Fernley Jan 55 MA 201 PRICE F
Focke Wulf Stosser  .8cc B. Barton 40” published Jan 1956 PRICE F
Fokker D7 span 20” for .32-.5cc MA mag July 57 with article PRICE E
Fokker EV/ DV111 by M. F. Hawkins 27” span 20” long .5cc MA353 Sept 61 MA PRICE E
Fokker Eindekker EIV 1/12th scale 36” for .5cc published June 1954 PRICE F
Foster wickner wicko scale for 1-1.5cc motors 47 ½” span 36” long E. Fernley Sept 1954 MA194 PRICE F
Glorious Gladys semi scale gladiator bipe for mills .75 PRICE E
Grumman Cougar ducted fan for .049 28” span all built up PRICE E
Grumman Widgeon by Paul Plecan 1942 PRICE E
H.M. 300 forerunner to the flying flea for .75cc 26” span 21” long tandem wing June 55 MA213 with article PRICE E
Hawker Hind .5cc-.87cc D. Marsh PRICE E
Hawker Hurricane 40” span for .8-1cc AM mag Sept 64 PRICE F
Honey bee 1/10th scale 33” ½” for .5cc V tail published April 1953 PRICE F
Jodel Bebe by Ho Fang-Chiun 38” span 275 sq in area for .5-1cc PRICE F
Kirby Motor Tutor 65” span 30” long for 1-1.5cc could suit r/c by E. Fernley May 55 MA210 with article PRICE F
Luscombe 8A Sky Pal by Frank Lees 63” for Mills 1.3cc PRICE F
Max Holste MH 152 50” span .75-1.5cc by Colin Read published July 1955 PRICE F
Messerschmitt ME 109 for 1.5cc span 40” MA mag Oct 61 with article  PRICE F
Mini Moraine co2 span 16 ½” PRICE D
Mig 15 .049 ducted fan, very detailed plan USA mid 50’s 26” PRICE E
Miranda flying boat by Pete Holland 49” span for .75-1cc published Oct 1955 PRICE F
Mooney Mite for .049 46” all built up 1955 PRICE F
Mustang P51-B 1/12th scale 750mm span for .5cc with article March 73 AM PRICE E
Nieuport 1912 racer 500mm span Co2 power PRICE D
Pander sesqui plane 36” span for .5-.8cc by Vic Smeed AM mag Sept 59 PRICE F
Peregrine small semi scale cabin model with trike gear for .5cc motors, a bit like a piper tri pacer published May 1954 PRICE E
Pfalz 1/8th scale for 1-1.5cc PRICE F
Piper Super Cruiser 35” span for .020 - .5cc Feb 63 PRICE F
Piper Tri Pacer 30” span 21” long .5cc A. Warren MA227 with article PRICE F
RE8 free flight power for mills .75 span 43” PRICE F
Ryan PT-20 .75-1cc G. Cannon 45” span published Aug 1954 PRICE F
Ryan NYP Spirit of St Louis 34” span for .5-.8cc very detailed plan with article June 57 AM PRICE F
Savoia Machetti SM.81 Triple engine 48" span old dark plan readable 3X 1.5-2cc PRICE G
SE5A for mills 1.3 PRICE D
SE5A 24” span for .5cc all sheet model MA mag July 57 PRICE E
Short Seamew .5cc 36 ½” span 25” long Aug 55 MA220 with article PRICE E
Short S1 Cockle twin engine float plane very light weight for 2 KP01 motors 33” span PRICE F
Siskin Armstrong Whitworth biplane 36” span for 1-1.8cc by P.E. Norman April 60 MA PRICE F
Sopwith 1 ½ strutter 33 ½” span for .5-1cc AM May 66 PRICE F
Sopwith Pup 39 ¾” span for 1-1.5cc AM Dec 48 with article PRICE F
Sopwith Swallow 1-1.5cc 41” span 1/8th scale by I Dainell published April 1956 PRICE F
Sopwith Tri plane .5cc semi scale PRICE E
Sopwith Triplane .75cc 417 sq inch wing 34 ¾” span published April 1954 PRICE F
Spitfire mk xiv by P.L. Whittaker 26 ¾” for .5-1cc published Nov 1955 PRICE E
Supermarine 508 jet ducted fan .099 glow power 32” USA plan all parts shown mid 1950’s PRICE F
Taylorcraft 50” detailed plan PRICE F
Taylorcraft Liaison L2-B by Sidney Struhl M.A.N 1943 with article PRICE E
Tipsy Ryan NYP Spirit of St Louis 34” by Ron Moulton 1957 for .5-.8cc PRICE F
V.A. Walrus 38" PRICE F
Vampie T.E. Naughten 36” all sheet scale for .5-1cc published Feb 1954 semi scale Vampire PRICE E
Waco YOC  biplane by Floyd Guyton 19” for .035 torpedo 1955 plan fully detailed PRICE E
Waterman Aerobile 1957 tailless design for Co2 power PRICE D
Westland Lysander 37 ½” rubber free flight aircraft plan company PRICE F
Zaunkonig by M. Greenland 1/8th scale 39 ¼” for 1cc published Sept 1950 PRICE F