
D.H. Vampire 18” span for jetex 50
F104 with instructions
Fairey delta FD2 span 5 ½”
Flaming Ptero Howard Boyes tailless model modern redraw with parts for jetex 50
Folland Gnat 9 ¼” span 12” long with instructions
Gloster Meteor twin engine jet for 2 jetex 50’s with instructions
Hawker Hunter for jetex 50b with instructions
Jeticopter instructions 2 sheets
Jetnik rocket for jetex 50 or rocket motor
Saunders Roe A1 with parts sheets
Skyray tailored kit plan with parts sheet span 9 ¼” length 12” for jetex motor
Spaceship Zyra from when worlds collide

zyra space ship from the film "when worlds collide"