Control line Speed and Team Race
Mercury 1/2A team racer with instructions and parts drawings 18 ½” span up to 1.5cc
Mercury MAC 22 ¼” 2.5cc solid wing Frog 250 shown
Mercury mk1 team racer 24” for Frog 500 or Amco 3.5 with parts sheet
Mercury Mk 2 team racer 18 ¼” span for 1.5-2.5cc no parts sheet but not difficult for experienced scratch builders
Mercury Midge class “A” Cyril Shaw one time record holder 1-1.5cc
Mercury Thunderbird solid wing kit plan + prototype plan with mods 29” span 1956 3 sheets
Mercury Texan C47 built up wing 22”
Control Line Scale
Mercury Lockheed Lightning P38 span 32 3/8” for 2X 1.5cc motors
Mercury ME 109 profile scale 18 ¾” span 1959 for 1-1.5cc
Mercury Mustang 23” span. Instruction sheet plus a full size drawing scaled up from the instructions.
Control Line Stunt and Sport
Mercury Cobra with parts sheet 40 ½” .29-.35 big profile stunter 3 large sheets
Mercury Crusader 56” stunter for .35’s with original construction sheets and parts 4 sheets in all
Mercury junior Monitor Mk 2 30” 2.5cc with parts sheet and instructions
Mercury Magnette 26 ¼” span for 2cc diesel to 4.5cc petrol clockwise rotation shown
Mercury Marlin 1949 span 32” power elfin 1.8
Mercury Mamba 19” profile for .8cc similar to Cobra wing rib shown
Mercury Marvin 30” stunt for 1cc
Mercury Monarch 42” flapped stunter for 2.5-3.5cc with parts sheet
Mercury Monitor stunter 42” for 2.5-3.5cc all parts sheets and reprint of original instructions
Mercury Musketeer (Ron prentice kit plan) 40” with parts sheet 3.5-5cc 2 sheets
Mercury Picador 1.5cc 24” flying wing combat model parts shown
Mercury? Senior Monitor 55 ½” span 610 sq in by John Perry for .45
Mercury Toreador 2.5-3.5cc 1958 354 sq in wing area flying wing combat model 36” span
Mercury Viper with instructions on plan 27 ½” for 1-1.5cc similar to Cobra
Mercury wasp 18” stunter .5-.8cc
Free Flight Scale Power
Mercury Aeronca Sedan 65” 1.5-2.5cc several sheet plan can be used for r/c
Mercury Tiger Moth DH 82 span 33” for .5-.8cc 2 sheet plan, parts sheets and instructions
Mercury Chrislea Skyjeep 3 sheets 45” span up to 1cc motors for experienced scratch builders
Mercury Stinson 105 Voyager 43” span for .75cc motor with parts sheet and instructions
Free Flight Sport Power
Mercury Galahad 2 sheet plan makes a great r/c model. 54” span 1.5-2.5cc
Mercury Junior Mallard 33 ¾” span 190 sq in wing .5-1cc pylon layout with reprint of original instructions
Mercury Magna 38” for .5cc - .8cc cabin model
Mercury Wizard 32” span cabin model for .5-1cc with r/c mod sheet and instructions
Free Flight Sport Rubber
Mercury Mentor 35” span with sheet showing wing and tail section as well as sub fin shape.
Free Flight Gliders
Mercury Gnome pod and boom glider 32” span, my first model! With parts sheet
Mercury Gili Chopper 42” FAI Sailplane no wing section
Mercury Marauder 65” glider A2 class 2 sheets
Mercury Martin 38” span no parts