

Kastor rc sport model for .19 motor 1.14 meter span parts shown and a jig for the body

Piper Comanche 36" span control line scale for .10-.15 motor

piper comanche

Arcus 2 meter r/c glider not a complete plan as this had ABS body and foam wings PRICE D
Charter trainer 1500mm span for 3.5cc motor with instructions PRICE L
Chip 1 meter span trainer for .15-.19 motor with instructions PRICE F
Condor kit 3178 r/c glider 2020mm span parts shown on plan PRICE G
Delmo delta 1150mm span for 10cc motor with instructions PRICE G
Eco electric powered trainer also sold through Modelhob 50” span PRICE F
Kastor rc sport model for .19 motor 1.14 meter span parts shown and a jig for the body PRICE F
Maxi 1.46 meter span for .45 motor low wing sport model 2 sheets PRICE L
Puma mk2 Hotchdekker shoulder wing sport model for .40-.45 motor 56” span with instructions PRICE G
Puma mk2 Tifdekker low wing sport model for .40-.45 motor with instructions PRICE G
Rasant high wing trainer 900mm span for .19-.25 motor PRICE F
Wega 1174mm span low wing sport model for 6-10cc motor 2 sheets PRICE L


Pilatus Porter 74” span 4 sheets with parts shown PRICE M


Piper Comanche 35” span control line scale parts shown PRICE F