



Control Line  

Veron Bee Bug 18” for.049 motors weight 6.5 oz with parts sheet

Veron Bomb Bat 1-1.5cc 25” span rib shown on plan

Veron Combateer 38” span 2.5 – 5cc great flier

Veron FW 190 kit plan + all wood parts sheets

Veron Goshawk plan dated 5 th Nov 1946 Veron’s first control line kit span 45” for the Stentor 6cc spark motor with parts

Veron Martinet 36” cabin model for free flight and control line for 1cc with parts

Veron Midget Mustang 24” span with parts sheets for 1-6cc motors

Veron Nipper 17” span trainer for .5-.9cc enough info on plan to build one

Veron Panther 41” 3.5-5cc 1951 very sleek design

Veron Speedee 1947 twin boom fun for mills 1.3

Veron Stunter biplane 1947 all formers on plan, wings solid Mills 1.3 on plan. Solid wings built up body

Veron Stunter mk2 monoplane 30” parts shown

 FreeFlight Jets


Veron Fairey Delta 2 39” span with parts sheet

Veron Fouga Cyclone jet glider 30” span for jetex 50 no parts sheet

Veron Lavochkin 17 with parts sheet 37” span for ducted fan .5-1cc

Veron Sabre F86 for ducted fan .5-1cc 34” span

 Free Flight Rubber Scale  

Veron Aeronca Champion 23” rubber power

Veron Auster AOP9 22” rubber power

Veron Cessna Skyhawk 23” rubber power

Veron Chilton DW1 18” rubber power

Veron Comper Swift 18” rubber power

Veron Cosmic wind Minnow rubber power

Veron Dart Kitten 26 ½” span rubber power

Veron De Havilland Chipmunk 20” rubber power

Veron F.W 190 A3 18” rubber power

Veron Fairey Spearfish 22" span rubber power

Veron Fairey Swordfish 18” rubber power

Veron Fokker D-VIII 18” rubber power

Veron Grumman Wildcat 20” rubber power

Veron Hawker Fury mk1 17” rubber power

Veron Hawker Hurricane 18” rubber power

Veron Jodel Bebe 18” rubber power

Veron Luscombe Sedan 24” rubber power

Veron ME 109 G 18” rubber power

Veron Nieuport 27 span 20” rubber power

Veron North American Harvard 21” rubber power

Veron SE5A 15” for rubber power

Veron Short Seamew 20” rubber power

Veron Sopwith Camel 18” rubber power

Veron Sopwith Triplane 17 ¾” rubber power

Veron Spirit of St Louis rubber or Co2 span 24”

Veron Spitfire 18” rubber power

Veron Spitfire early plan as above but with instructions on plan

Veron Tiger Moth DH 82a 18” rubber power

Veron Whitman Buster 16” rubber power

Free Flight Sport Power


Veron Cardinal 32” cabin f/f for .5-.75cc with building instructions

Veron Deacon 52” cabin f/f for up to 1.5cc

Veron Deltaceptor 40” ducted fan for .8cc with parts and instructions

Veron Martinet for free flight and control line 1cc power cabin model with parts

Veron Sky Skooter with instructions 48” span for 1-1.5cc motor

Veron Streaker with parts sheet for 1cc motor pylon duration power model

Veron Vespa. Not a plan but a full size drawing from which the model can be built. 22” span .5cc

Free Flight Sport Rubber


Veron Cadillac 20” span sport rubber model with parts

Veron Consul 20” span sport rubber model with parts

Veron Corsair 20” span sport rubber model with parts

Veron Coupe 20” span cabin rubber model with parts

Veron fledgling 24” duration model with parts sheet

Veron Sentinal 34” span cabin duration rubber model with parts and instructions



Veron Big Impala 74” span with instructions

Veron Buzzard 60" Nordic class glider

Veron Classic 36” span glider no parts sheet

Veron combi kit ‘classic’ glider

Veron Dominette 28” span pod/boom glider with instruction sheet and parts sheet

Veron Eagle 1937 46” span with parts

Veron Impala slope soarer 52” span

Veron Kiwi 1946 tailless glider plan with parts patterns and instructions

Veron Phoenix 60” glider had spindle molded body so body not shown. I have scaled side view to show full size

Veron Slingsby Perfect mk1 30” scale glider

Veron Vortex Nordic A2 glider early one not the modern one for r/c

Veron Wagtail with parts sheet 30” span pod and boom glider

  Radio Control Scale

Veron Cessna Skylane 54” span with instructions and parts

Veron D.H. Tiger Moth 50” span no parts sheets

Veron Fokker D VIII 47” span for 1.5cc free flight to 3.5cc r/c with parts sheets and instructions

Veron Fournier RF5 72” span for up to 2.5cc motor glider no parts sheet

Veron Hawker Tomtit 52” span no parts sheet

Veron Piper Cherokee 56" span for .19-.40 with instruction sheets no parts sheet

Veron Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter 48" span for .15-.21 motor with instruction sheet


Radio Control Sport

Veron mini Concord 40" span single channel for 1-1.5cc motor

Veron mini Robot 36" span single channel for .5-1cc motor

Veron Robot 45” r/c trainer with instruction sheet 3 sheets in total

Solid Scale

Veron Super True scale Lockheed Starfire 1/72 scale